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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI'm good with the pick. Wentz is a QB & will play at least 5 more years
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2586417&mesg_id=2586593
2586593, I'm good with the pick. Wentz is a QB & will play at least 5 more years
Posted by Bombastic, Tue Jan-03-17 07:37 PM

We needed a quarterback, we'd been without one since McNabb fell off outside of about 10 games of Mike Vick.

There's also not a QB worth a damn in this year's draft that I can see.

Wentz looks like a faster, smarter, less rapey Big Ben with better feet.

It's Wentz's cast that's highly suspect, mainly due to Chip Kelly only drafting one offensive lineman in three years, who happened to be suspended for most of this season due to being bad at masking his PED intake, and Chip jettisoned every elite skill player we had for almost literally nothing.

Jason & GM Jerruh gonna run Zeke into the ground.

Great young back but you don't last long running towards contact at the second level in today's NFL.