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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectman, ever since they came out and said the refs blew like 37 calls...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2584462&mesg_id=2584786
2584786, man, ever since they came out and said the refs blew like 37 calls...
Posted by Dstl1, Tue Dec-27-16 12:25 PM
at the end of that OKC/Spurs playoff game last season...I just said fuck it. I figure, whichever team you root for...there's gonna be calls that go your way and calls that don't. I mean, Liggins drew to charges. One was called nothing, the other was called a blocking foul.

I do know:

Klay once again showed he's just a better all-around player than Steph.

Bron shot better from 3 than everyone NOT named Klay.

The two time MVP got benched when the game was on the line, because he can't guard anyone. Kerr was literally like, we gotta get this dude out of here. He also had a couple of costly turnovers down the stretch cuz he still on that Curly Neal.

As I said last season during the Cavs/Pistons series...Kyrie is a fucking demon. Klay could not have defended him ANY better on that last shot. Imagine he'd done that to Steph...AGAIN.

KD, one of the most lethal scoring machines the league has ever seen...had 33 points with 9 minutes left in the game...and finished the game with 36. Also...he had the ball in his hands at the end and drew 36 year old Richard Jefferson, but proceeded to dribble AWAY from the basket.