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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectFinally found his confidence on the jumper, more mins at the 4 spot
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2584462&mesg_id=2584649
2584649, Finally found his confidence on the jumper, more mins at the 4 spot
Posted by LA2Philly, Mon Dec-26-16 01:32 AM
He really hit a downward spiral early when he had the knee issues, was coming up short on everything, lost confidence and starting hitching on his jumper. He's finally gotten through it, shooting without hesitation and naturally, it's back to his 1-motion release.

In terms of position, he's far more effective as a small 4 (his Miami splits between 3/4 were significant) because he cannot move laterally with 3's and he's an effective rebounder with his awareness, leverage, reaction time, and length. Luke tried to jam a triangle into a square there but the adjustment has now been made.