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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI only diapprove of someone speaking on something they
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2558337&mesg_id=2558494
2558494, I only diapprove of someone speaking on something they
Posted by imo, Wed Aug-03-16 12:11 PM
haven't legit done research and studied.

Its no different then Barkley doing the Final Four and fucking everyone's name up, not knowing their record or their resume. Its so apparent he doesn't follow college basketball that its a built in joke.

He doesn't speak for me and that's fine. But going on national TV as a trusted voice to speak on a subject he is legit ignorant on is irresponsible. Its funny for college basketball final four but a serious subject like racism should be off limits for stupidity. Its to dangerous.

He will make declarations and will be scolded/schooled like its groundhog day.

Being from Philly I like Barkley but this is a classic case of being unqualified and overreaching and will damage his reputation when the flames reach critical mass.