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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectAt this point I'm more interested in what the hell our vetting process is
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2536667&mesg_id=2557035
2557035, At this point I'm more interested in what the hell our vetting process is
Posted by MothershipConnection, Sat Jul-16-16 12:18 PM
Like did they actually ask him "Were you aware that Sandusky was a child molester?", "Did anyone tell you they witnessed Sandusky molesting children?", and if they actually checked with any outside sources. Cause if he lied at any point through that, that would be grounds for termination to me, it's not like he embellished how good he was at Powerpoint or something. Between him and Alford it seems like we have a lot of coaches tied to some very public rape cases and I'm sort of ashamed that we still employ them.

Bradley to me has a lot more to answer for than Schiano. Schiano was only at Penn St for like 4 years and not since 1995 when he was a young guy still climbing the ranks and it sounds like he saw something and reported it to a higher authority and it went nowhere. It sounds like Bradley at least two times was directly told of something by a coach under him and barely acted on it. Plus he was an absolute Penn St lifer who was there for three decades, how didn't he know anything?

Now it sounds like we're going to keep Bradley since Mora stood up for him but for what? It's hard to fire a dude over one piece of testimony but what's the benefit for us? So other schools can negatively recruit against us saying we employ a guy who harbored a child rapist? That ran one of the most underachieving defenses we've ever had last year? If you have any time to that hellhole in Happy Valley to me, you better come clean about everything you knew, be fucking outstanding at your job, and generally just go above and beyond to be employable to me, and Bradley hasn't done that.