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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectnot really sure there is grounds for them to be fired
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2536667&mesg_id=2556630
2556630, not really sure there is grounds for them to be fired
Posted by 3xKrazy, Wed Jul-13-16 05:25 PM
from their current gigs. that isn't to say that they didn't act improperly or immorally during their stint at PSU.

look, we all know that joe pa and everyone else knew what was up. i think it becomes a complicated mess because we don't know who reported what to whom. perhaps there were some assistants (or none, or all) who did in fact kick this up the chain and took care of their legal obligations to report it but were told "it was being taken care of" and to keep their yaps shut.

i have a hard time believing that everyone involved with PSU was cool with this to the extent that they ALL turned a blind eye and wrote this shit off as "ok". we know that Joe Pa knew and that the school administrators knew...so where does this leave the lower level assistants and their responsibilities to act? I'm asking because I don't know. Was it their responsibility to resign? To walk up to Sandusky and pound his face in? It's not like ringing up the local police was gonna do shit.

Just seems like there's a fair amount of speculation and unknowns here.

Funny enough, I had always pegged Schiano to take over Franklin within the next year or two.