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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectwe don't know duncan's pay cut worked out. dwest's certainly didn't.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2552955&mesg_id=2553422
2553422, we don't know duncan's pay cut worked out. dwest's certainly didn't.
Posted by rob, Fri Jul-01-16 04:44 PM
s.a. still needs some sort of revelation to happen with their guard play to get another title, and this shit could all disappear again in 2 years.

he could easily end up with the same results as wade and dirk, he just has more titles to look back on as he contemplates rolling the dice again. it might not even be a pay cut with timmay...we don't even know if he's going to be playing at even a 6 million dollar level come the middle of next season.

i think these player cuts are a lot like the gms throwing out these max deals. they know they got a limited window before they're fired (gms) or retire (players), the only difference is the players have a harder job because for them if you're eschewing money you're really looking at title or bust.