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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectLMAO, Kerr is an 8 time champion...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2542656&mesg_id=2545944
2545944, LMAO, Kerr is an 8 time champion...
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Jun-13-16 08:28 AM
who was coached by Pop and Phil Jackson, played with Jordan and Tim Duncan and just went 73-9.


did you really laugh off Kerr like he didn't take the same team (damn near) that Mark Jackson coached and turn it into one of the best squads ever? When a team gets a new coach and goes 73-9 2 years after losing 31 games I think you need to give the coach a lot of credit.

When it's all said and done if his back doesn't break he will definitely be in the HOF as a coach if he stays in GS. They prolly get 2 or 3 more chips if he stays and they keep their core players.