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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI see a lot of things OKC exploited that the Cavs can't IMO
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2542656&mesg_id=2542795
2542795, I see a lot of things OKC exploited that the Cavs can't IMO
Posted by LegacyNS, Thu Jun-02-16 01:29 PM
Or at least no to the degree that OKC did...

Like you said, OKC switched on the Curry/Green pick and roll using Durant a lot of times which took away the immediate 3 from Steph. Also, Durant is agile enough to take away an immediate dive to the basket off the switch were as most big are in a trail position right away.

Cavs don't have a Steven Adams offensively. Thompson can do the rebounding part but he's not as powerful as Adams on the low block.

Cavs don't have a Westbrook. Bron is more than capable of driving the lane but he'll be dealing with Iggy a lot. Kyrie can drive the lane but he's not as big and athletic as Westbrook. Also, for Kyrie to be effective he's gotta dish out 8-10 assists like Westbrook if he's the primary ball handlers in the series.

Cavs don't have as many shot blockers either. Adams & Ibaka are pretty good plus guys like Roberson, Durant & even Waiters were making blocks trailing guys driving to the basket.

OKC showed a lot of things you can do to slow GS down but you need similar personnel to pull it off.
<---- 5....
