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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectOdor just wanted to hit him, plain and simple
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2484125&mesg_id=2539019
2539019, Odor just wanted to hit him, plain and simple
Posted by dgonsh, Mon May-16-16 07:16 PM
he's a dirty player, historically. Im biased as a Blue Jays fan, but I mean...how can anyone say this was warranted? Bautista homered in one of the biggest, most heated playoff moments ever. And he threw his bat away like an orgasmic release (which it was after one of the craziest innings in playoff history?)...he didn't showboat. He didn't taunt. He did his damage and ran the bases.

So...to then wait til the 8th of the 7th game of the season, at home, and plunk him in the ribs at 95mph? FINE. Did bautista slide hard? Hell yeah. Was it illegal? In 2016, sure...but there is actually zero doubt Odur a filthy fuck who wanted to throw down. End of story.

Give him 10 games.