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Topic subjectI'd like to see them make an offer for Bledsoe
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2538120&mesg_id=2538430
2538430, I'd like to see them make an offer for Bledsoe
Posted by SoulHonky, Fri May-13-16 12:19 PM
A thin FA pool at the PG so Conley will get a ton of offers. Atlanta will probably see decent offers for Teague although he's expiring after the season which limits the offers. Nobody's overpaying for a season of Teague. (Well, nobody should. That's never stopped NBA GMs though.)

Bledsoe seems like he could be a nice fit. Rubio is another option but I think they need a better shooter at the point; especially if Exum takes over the 2 spot.

Or they could try to trade up and nab Murray or Dunn. Or trade down a bit for Ulis or Jackson.