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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectBen Arfa is the only one worth talking about, really
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2536768&mesg_id=2538416
2538416, Ben Arfa is the only one worth talking about, really
Posted by nighttripper, Fri May-13-16 10:43 AM
Valbuena is out, too, but that was known for months because he's been having a shitty season (in addition to being the 'victim' in the sextape gate)

Lacazette was borderline, but like Ben Arfa, he's paying the price of shining in ligue 1 only (he didn't do shit in the CL)

Schneiderlin was competing with Cabaye for the last spot in the midfield...neither of them really deserved it, tbh

Sakho is out due to the doping suspension, we knew it. this one hurts.