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Topic subjecti think barca's more concerned about a sub/replacement for suarez
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2536768&mesg_id=2537575
2537575, i think barca's more concerned about a sub/replacement for suarez
Posted by thejerseytornado, Tue May-10-16 05:25 PM
messi/neymar both looked gassed, but there are a lot more potential options to cover for them--aleix vidal probably better as a winger (though Lucho's pissed at him), munir's better as a winger than in the middle, rafinha's probably able to hack it (though better in iniesta's role), and Denis Suarez is 99.99999% definitely returning to barca after his loan (Delofeu is far more murky).

there are options to cover the wings (plus iniesta's played there before). there's *nothing* behind suarez, except moving messi or neymar to the middle.

you think we playing chess, but i'm playing mad-making. Basaglia