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Topic subjectAnother report...Paterno knew in 1971
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2537182, Another report...Paterno knew in 1971
Posted by Selassie I God, Mon May-09-16 12:46 AM


A second report has surfaced that late Penn State coach Joe Paterno was informed in the 1970s of former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky's sexual abuse of children.

In a CNN report released Friday, a man described as a troubled young kid in 1971 said he was raped by Sandusky in a Penn State bathroom. Then, he told CNN, Paterno ignored his complaint about it.

Also Friday, NBC Sports reported that “as many as six” Penn State assistant coaches witnessed abusive acts by Sandusky, dating to the 1970s.
The latest allegations come one day after PennLive reported that Paterno was allegedly told in 1976 about an accusation of child sexual abuse by Sandusky.

The PennLive report cites a court order connected to an insurance coverage case involving Penn State. The order includes a line that one of the school’s insurers has claimed “in 1976, a child allegedly reported to PSU’s Head Coach Joseph Paterno that he (the child) was sexually molested by Sandusky.” The filing also cites incidents of other assistant football coaches witnessing “inappropriate contact between Sandusky and unidentified children.”

Sandusky was convicted of 45 counts of child sex abuse in June 2012, five months after Paterno’s death, and is serving 30 to 60 years in prison. Lawyers for Sandusky, 72, have been in court this week attempting to overturn his conviction.

In CNN's report Friday, the accuser — who was 15 at the time of the alleged attack in 1971 — said he has never before spoken publicly about the abuse but that he did confide in a friend in the 1970s. That friend verified the story, CNN says.

CNN also said a Pennsylvania State Trooper, a longtime friend of the accuser, confirmed that days after Sandusky's initial arrest in November 2011, he told the trooper his story.

According to CNN, the accuser's parents questioned him about a cut on his head, the result of the alleged attack, and called Penn State against his wishes. They told their son that the police would not be called.

From the CNN report:

---He found himself on the phone with two men from Penn State.

"I tell them what happened — well, I couldn't get it out of me that I was — I can't even tell it to this day. It's just degrading — that I was raped," he said.

"I told the story up to a certain point. I told them that he grabbed me and that I got the hell out of there."

He insisted that he "made it very clear" it was a sexual attack.

"I made it clear there were things done to me that I just can't believe could have been done to me and I couldn't escape. I said, 'I'm very upset and scared and I couldn't believe I let my guard down.' They listened to me. And then all hell broke loose.

"They were asking me my motive, why I would say this about someone who has done so many good things."

They accused him of making it up. "'Stop this right now! We'll call the authorities,'" he said they told him.

Victim A says he couldn't think. "I just wanted to get off the phone."

The men on the phone had introduced themselves as Jim and Joe, he said. He had no idea who Jim was, and can't, to this day, say for sure.

"There was no question in my mind who Joe was," he said. "I've heard that voice a million times. It was Joe Paterno."---

Penn State spokesman Lawrence Lokman said Thursday in response to the PennLive report that school officials involved in cases related to the Sandusky scandal were aware of the new allegations contained in the insurance case in a broad sense.

“Many, many people, potential victims and victims have come forward to the university as part of that (settlement) process,” Lokman told the website. “We do not talk about their specific circumstances.”

The family of Paterno — who died in January 2012, two months after Sandusky's arrest — vehemently denied the allegations in the PennLive report.

Scott Paterno wrote on Twitter that "it would be great if everyone waited to see the substance of the allegation before they assume it's true. Because it's not."

If the allegation were true, it would suggest his father had protected "an obscure assistant coach no one had yet heard of" in 1976, Paterno wrote. He added: "It's bunk."