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Topic subjectFair result. Neither team showint any defensive consistency
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2536768&mesg_id=2537034
2537034, Fair result. Neither team showint any defensive consistency
Posted by LA2Philly, Sun May-08-16 11:56 AM
Good response to equalize within 2 minutes after Aguero's goal and agai responded after going down in the 2nd half w Alexis equalizing. Bony left unmarked in the box in the 88th and had the chance to win the match...the post to the rescue.

Settling for a top 4 spot and 4 more injuries this week (Mertesacker and Ox setbacks, Ozil injured during warm-up, Welbeck with a non-contact in the 25th minute)...sounds about right for current Arsenal football.