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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectDumbass, like I said it was the Bad Boys/Knicks that took advantage
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2529129&mesg_id=2530903
2530903, Dumbass, like I said it was the Bad Boys/Knicks that took advantage
Posted by FILF, Sat Apr-09-16 02:01 PM
>Why didnt you post those scoring leader stats from the
>70s/80s like you did for AI & Jordan?
>Hand checking & physical play existed in those eras too,

If you ACTUALLY watched the game, cats in the 70s/80s weren't playing much D until the 4th quarter.

The Pistons were the same way until they realized they didn't have the talent to outscore the Celtics thus decided to be a rough/rugged team (aka Bad Boys) & started abusing the rules. The Knicks followed suit when they realized they didn't have the talent to beat the Bulls. Riley instilled the same ideology on the Heat which was why the Bulls/Knicks game were UGLY as fuck.

In the West, it was the Jazz/Sonics/Rockets that used to mug cats eventually Pop fired Bob Hill (despite reaching the WCF) followed suit after the Spurs unsuccessfully tried to be a run-and-gun team w/ David Robinson. The 1999 Spurs were setting defensive records w/ Tim/Admiral making the paint a no fly zone. The 2004, Pistons were the last team to abuse the rules before Stern shut shyt down the following season.

It no different than D'Antonio & the 2005 Suns being the first team to take advantage of the rule changes while the Spurs/Pistons were playing like it was 1995 in the 2005 Finals.