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Topic subjectThat 95-96 Bulls roster is not deep compared to this Warriors roster...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2529129&mesg_id=2530817
2530817, That 95-96 Bulls roster is not deep compared to this Warriors roster...
Posted by Kira, Fri Apr-08-16 04:37 PM
I'll spot you Jordan and Pippen as great, putting in work but besides that it does not look good for them.

Steve Kerr is roasted by Steph.
Luc Longley AND Bill Wennington get hoed.
Rodman is forced by the three point line negating his advantage.

Jordan and Pippen cannot carry the Bulls to a sweep against this deep Warriors team playing 48 minutes every game. They have to rest at some point and when they do the game is over. The Warriors play in a division tougher than anything the Bulls faced as there are legit threats to dethrone them in-conference every year. Their experience should put them over the Bulls.