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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectDummy, AI was averaging 26-27 right BEFORE his career high 33
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2529129&mesg_id=2530569
2530569, Dummy, AI was averaging 26-27 right BEFORE his career high 33
Posted by FILF, Thu Apr-07-16 08:18 PM
>And since you posted AI's numbers pre rule change
>you help prove what Ive been saying about how hand checking
>doesnt stop great players from scoring

If there was no hand-checking in 2001, AI would have averaged 35 & shot a bunch of FTs b/c that was his PEAK. AI was a the tail-end of his prime when he averaged a career high 33 & had his most efficient season thanks to the rule changes.

>AI playing at that size & balling, makes the whole argument
>against Steph struggling in that era useless
>Steph would get his just as AI did

AI speed/quickness is what made him tough to check. If you can't stay w/ him then hand-checking isn't going to help you compared to others who try to dance/bully their way to the rim.

For example, Delly was able to body-up Curry but AI would have lost him by running the loop or blowing by him in transition. AI wasn't pounding the air out of the ball like Harden on EVERY possession, he would run off the ball to lose his defender then attack.