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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectBruh, you just ethered YOURSELF
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2529129&mesg_id=2530305
2530305, Bruh, you just ethered YOURSELF
Posted by FILF, Wed Apr-06-16 11:34 PM
>All you have to do is apply a little more critical thinking,
>do a little more research
>and you wouldnt say things like AI averaging 35-40pts in
>todays game
>Why? Because Iverson did play in todays era & never came close
>to those averages

AI ACTUALLY played & was a superstar in BOTH eras (pre/post rule changes: illegal defense/zone/hand checking...etc).

Pre (no zone but hand-checking was legal): Averaged 31 (TS: 51%) in 2000-01 during his MVP season

Post (zone was allowed but no hand-checking): Averaged a CAREER-HIGH 33 (TS: 54%) as a 30 years old in 2005-06 RIGHT AFTER hand-checking was COMPLETELY outlawed

Now, ruteldat!