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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI can't tell if some of ya'll are being willfully ignorant
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2529129&mesg_id=2530145
2530145, I can't tell if some of ya'll are being willfully ignorant
Posted by Stadiq, Wed Apr-06-16 11:06 AM
or legit didn't watch basketball before 2004.

First, anyone who says "show me the advanced stats" needs to go back in his mom's basement, enjoy that frozen pizza, and live life. Advanced stats is for mouth breathing nerds who never touched a basketball in their life.

The Dubs are a great team. A very special team. Sure.

But defensively, there is no way they are hanging with teams of that era. Be it the Bulls, the Rockets, hell the Lakers.

Even though they are a great defensive team by today's low standards, they also have a lot of weak individual defenders.

Their best individual defender (Draymond) gets cancelled out by Rodman by far. Anyone who doesn't understand that Rodman would live in Draymond's head was born in like 94 or later or some sh!t.

Could you imagine Draymond flexing on Rodman? hahaha

The dubs (arguable) second best offensive player would be MIA. Like, Klay probably shouldn't even bother dressing. Dude is pretty one-dimensional, and again easily gotten mentally.

Soon as he is forced to put in the floor, he struggles in todays NBA. Imagine with Jordan or even Harper checking him? Lulz.

Steph? Man, I love Steph but do you guys honestly believe he is being defended in todays league like he would have been in the past? Honestly?

Hell, the Hall of Fame had me thinking AI. I'm no AI stan, but what would HE average today? 35? 40?

You can see Steph struggle when teams actually bother to put together a strategy for him. You don't think the Bulls would have a strategy?

And LULZ at anyone thinking Barnes vs Pippen is somehow a match. I nearly laughed until I cried. L U L Z

And the Bulls wouldn't even have to play one of their weak-a$$ centers.

The Dubs would cause fits, yes, because they have so many offensive options and fantastic ball movement. That is their advantage.

They can turn the ball over 20 times and still win. Insane. That would be tough for any team to combat.

But, cmon. The Bulls. Easy. I don't know about a sweep or whatever because who gives a sh!t?

Oh, and miss me that "what era, what refs" etc LOL LOL. Its a pretty stupid mental exercise either way, then when you get that technical you look like a sensitive defensive nerd. Either way, on both sides.

Lastly, teams were scurred of the Bulls. Because of MJ mostly, they always had a mental edge. You could see it even the few times when their backs were against the wall, teams didn't believe they would actually beat them.

Hate them love them never saw them play, they had a mental edge.

The f*cking Wolves aren't even scared of the Warriors. The Lakers. Etc.

Maybe one day, but teams aren't scared of the Warriors. Yeah teams have to prepare, but no one goes in thinking "we can't beat these guys". Maybe one day, but still early.

Cmon now...