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Topic subjectThe 2015 Finals happened when Bron had a bunch of bums
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2529129&mesg_id=2529993
2529993, The 2015 Finals happened when Bron had a bunch of bums
Posted by FILF, Tue Apr-05-16 04:25 PM
>I'll give you most of what you said up top (won't give you
>the Jordan stuff for reasons I'll say in a sec)... so, um,
>when Pippen "destroys" Barnes, blows by a couple times and
>yams on him or finds Jordan ducking in for a dunk, what does
>Chicago do when the Warriors begin to throw a second defender
>in the lane and Pippen has no room to drive? How does Jordan
>deal with the Warriors totally ignoring whoever they propped
>up in the corner? Oh, it's Kerr? Yeah, good luck ever playing
>him on defense. Maybe it's Kuko... oh, same problem.

Put Kukoc on Iggy & Kerr on Barnes. If they want to run the offense through Barnes then go ahead b/c that's a win for the Bulls. Iggy is dangerous in transition but otherwise he's usually camped out on the corner.

>So you've
>got some non-shooter out there like Randy Brown or Harper,
>waiting to shoot a shot they can make at a low-efficiency
>clip, allowing the Warriors to always throw two defenders from
>any angle at Jordan and Pip, forcing Rodman to actually do
>ANYTHING offensively.

Isolate Jorn/Pippen & have Kerr/Kukoc spotting up in the corners while Rodman free lances. If they aren't going to put a body on Rodman then throw-up a brick & let him get you another possession.

>Oh yeah, and even if they did get their
>offense humming, don't forget that Rodman can't shoot a FT to
>save his life and would be Hack-a-ed all day.

If the Warrior hack Rodman then it's going to kill their pace & it will allow the Bulls defense to set up.