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Topic subjectRE: Reggie was able to do it b/c he had defenders chasing him full speed
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2529615, RE: Reggie was able to do it b/c he had defenders chasing him full speed
Posted by Premiere, Mon Apr-04-16 10:20 PM
>>Abusing the lack of familiarity refs had with these...
>Jamal Crawford kicks out his leg & ALWAYS lands on the floor
>every time he shoot a jumper but he ain't exactly getting to
>the line a 100 time. He's the all-time leader in 4 point plays
>but ain't nobody complaining about it.
>Harden, Chris Paul, Westbrook also kicks out his leg when the
>opportunity presents itself & even when Reggie was doing it he
>wasn't living at the line.

Everyone complains about Crawford, and more people would if he was better. He gets his on those, and you're being glib by arguing Paul, Harden, or Westbrook make that same play. Do they initiate contact, plenty of times bullshit contact? Yeah, but that's a different question.

>>Harden would hate the way they called fouls in the 90's. He'd
>>have a shit-eating grin every time he realized that he would
>>actually get to take his man one-on-one
>He still does play 1-on-1, teams don't double Harden on the
>perimeter when he's doing his dribbling exhibition trying to
>beat his PRIMARY defender.

Like, you understand that when he sizes up a dude and tries to get by him, the other guys are still there, right? He can't just blow by and then run into a dude immediately. He has to put the entire defense on skates basically.

>Teams collapse the paint once he beats his primary defender
>which would have been legal pre-2003. If teams were able to
>collapse the paint on a speed demon like 2001 AI when zone
>defense was still illegal then Harden's fat ass isn't exempt.
>In 2005-06, 30 year old Iverson had the best scoring & also
>most efficient season of his career (better than his 2001 MVP
>season when zone defense was illegal).
>Maybe this might have had something to do with it: "New rules
>were introduced to curtail hand-checking, clarify blocking
>fouls and call defensive three seconds to open up the game."
>>or that when he ran a
>>pick and roll, the defense would be called for a technical
>>foul every time they left multiple defenders in the lane to
>>lay off his teammates that weren't knock down.
>We are talking about the same dude treating Dwight as if he's
>Rodman. You can trap him when he has the ball (which was
>legal) & he would ignore Dwight just to throw it to a 3 point
>shooter after pounding the air out of the ball.

Man, do you watch Dwight Howard? Exactly what has shown you he needs the ball thrown to him more? He gets looked off maybe a play a game; the rest of the time, he is legitimately nowhere on the floor where he can affect play. If he is, he touches it. He, like all of our big men, often act as a decoy to attract the fourth defender for the PnR so that there's an open man in the corner.

>Zone defense didn't stop the Suns PnR, Amare would be
>averaging 15 points if he played w/ Harden. When Dwight got
>the ball in the postseason he put up points but Harden doesn't
>want any part of it Last season, Josh Smith was actually
>better at finding Dwight on PnRs than Harden. Dude is more
>interested in being Iverson than Nash except he isn't a freak
>athlete like Iverson.

Ugh, you mean when teams had had exactly three or four years to plan for this. As for your Rockets analysis, I'll just leave you to it. If you watch the Rockets and think Harden passes too little to guys who don't know what to do with the rock, then you must have a deep enjoyment for watching large men throw basketballs at plates of glass wildly. Josh got open looks for Dwight in the playoffs, really in one fucking game about which you're talking, because they threw Dirk in the PnR. He didn't know what to do and got spun on by Dwight about six times in two minutes. Smart defenders force Dwight to attack the mismatch quickly instead of worrying about what J fucking Smoove will do as the ball handler, and when Dwight takes too long to attack, as he inevitably does, they double him and force a turnover or another one of those hard misses off the glass.