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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectSince we're being dumb.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2529129&mesg_id=2529538
2529538, Since we're being dumb.
Posted by Premiere, Mon Apr-04-16 08:38 PM
I'll give you most of what you said up top (won't give you the Jordan stuff for reasons I'll say in a sec)... so, um, when Pippen "destroys" Barnes, blows by a couple times and yams on him or finds Jordan ducking in for a dunk, what does Chicago do when the Warriors begin to throw a second defender in the lane and Pippen has no room to drive? How does Jordan deal with the Warriors totally ignoring whoever they propped up in the corner? Oh, it's Kerr? Yeah, good luck ever playing him on defense. Maybe it's Kuko... oh, same problem. So you've got some non-shooter out there like Randy Brown or Harper, waiting to shoot a shot they can make at a low-efficiency clip, allowing the Warriors to always throw two defenders from any angle at Jordan and Pip, forcing Rodman to actually do ANYTHING offensively. Oh yeah, and even if they did get their offense humming, don't forget that Rodman can't shoot a FT to save his life and would be Hack-a-ed all day.

It's not that I can't construct similar issues for the Warriors. It's that categorical assertions based on one-on-one matchups against a team built on switching and ball movement miss the point of how the Warriors win games.