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Topic subjectRE: im saying hand checking doesnt stop great players
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2529129&mesg_id=2529465
2529465, RE: im saying hand checking doesnt stop great players
Posted by COOLEHMAGAZINE, Mon Apr-04-16 05:37 PM
>Physical play doesnt stop great players from getting buckets

Great teams also are not made up entirely of great players. So, even if I agreed with you, not really relevant unless we are talking about one-on-one

>Scoring was low because alotta teams played slow half court
>and didnt utilized the 3pt shot
>The 80s era Pistons, Nuggets, Bucks, Lakers played fast & put
>points on the board
>and hand checking was legal

But they didn't play physical defense or take advantage of the latitude that presumably they could have.

>Im not saying hand checking was irrelevant, im saying it didnt
>matter to great players & teams

Don't agree and neither does Steve Kerr, who knows a lot about both teams.