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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectWhen u hear "more bigger" u kno a shop convo/msgboard debate gettin good
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2529129&mesg_id=2529384
2529384, When u hear "more bigger" u kno a shop convo/msgboard debate gettin good
Posted by Riot, Mon Apr-04-16 12:27 PM
>unparalleled stamina and basketball IQ. he'd absolutely murk
>that dude. draymond eats because he renders more bigger and
>more athletic dudes useless by outsmarting them. fuck he gon
>do with someone smarter than him? nothing. he ain't gettin
>boards on dennis...he gon be played for the pass by
>dennis...he gon get beat down the court by dennis.
>y'all ain't watch no fuckin dennis.
>shut up.