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Topic subjectJust say you dont wanna give the Warriors any credit
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2529129&mesg_id=2529271
2529271, Just say you dont wanna give the Warriors any credit
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Mon Apr-04-16 05:24 AM
The Warriors have proven they can win without being strong on the glass
The Warriors have proven they can win in spite of turning the ball over

Cavs & Rockets lost to the Warriors, so those are bad examples to use

Iso ball doesnt work against the Warriors or any other team today thats solid defensively
You might win a game or two, but youre not gonna win the series

During the Bulls second 3peat, Jordan wasnt the same rim attacker
This is fadeaway jumper Jordan

Like I said the Warriors could live w/ that Bulls squad taking midrange js
If youre not gonna utilize the 3pt shot, the math is gonna work in favor of the team that does