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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectBruh, the Cavs were competitve w/ a one man wrecking crew
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2529129&mesg_id=2529267
2529267, Bruh, the Cavs were competitve w/ a one man wrecking crew
Posted by FILF, Mon Apr-04-16 01:44 AM
>The line-up of Jordan, Pippen, Harper, Rodman & Kukoc could
>match up defensively
>but offensively they'd still be one dimensional

They could kill you w/ jumpers or w/ drives. It ain't like they were one dimensional offensive players like Klay. The Worriers also turn the ball over a lot & the Bulls created a lot of turnover which led to transition baskets.

>Like most teams of that era the Bulls played inside the 3pt
>The Warriors would shrink the floor on the Bulls & jam the
>and force them to take jumpers, while playing off of Rodman
>ala Tony Allen

It worked against Tony Allen b/c he wasn't an offensive rebounder. Tristan pounded them on the glass which is what Rodman would do if they don't block him out.

>If you cant spread the floor against the Warriors,
>your chances of winning are slim to none & the triangle didnt
>spread the floor

LeBron raw dogged 'em in the Finals by running isolation play after isolation play & Jorn is the best isolation player in the history of the game. He tore up the Bad Boys w/ hand checking/90s rules so I'm pretty sure he can handle the Worries if they try to defend him 1-on-1 & the refs blew the whistle when someone breathed on him.

Even James Harden had his way against the Worriers w/ Josh Smith spreading the floor, lol.