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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectNo team from that era shot the 3pter at the rate of todays teams
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2529129&mesg_id=2529250
2529250, No team from that era shot the 3pter at the rate of todays teams
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Sun Apr-03-16 10:53 PM
Rodman would get stretched out far more now than then

Now youre right about offensive rebounding being the Warriors weakness
and thats the negative of playing small ball
but when youre 69-8, you'll live with that all day

I believe the Heat were a poor rebounding team
but they were still making the finals in spite of it

The line-up of Jordan, Pippen, Harper, Rodman & Kukoc could match up defensively
but offensively they'd still be one dimensional

Like most teams of that era the Bulls played inside the 3pt line
The Warriors would shrink the floor on the Bulls & jam the paint
and force them to take jumpers, while playing off of Rodman ala Tony Allen

If you cant spread the floor against the Warriors,
your chances of winning are slim to none & the triangle didnt spread the floor