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Topic subjectWarriors win in 6
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2529129&mesg_id=2529171
2529171, Warriors win in 6
Posted by SouthwestAirlines, Sun Apr-03-16 04:58 PM
Warriors just as good defensively & better offensively
Plus Golden State is deeper than that 95-96 Bulls squad

Playing zone against that Bulls starting line-up would cause problems
Double Jordan & force Pippen, Harper, Rodman & Longley to shoot js
Even if you insert Kerr & Kukoc for better perimeter shooting
they'd pay the cost on the defensive end

That line-up of Curry, Klay, Iggy, Barnes & Green aint no joke
They would stretch the hell outta that Bulls defense

IMO, the Bulls lack of a dominant big man to punish'um down low
and their lack of utilizing the 3pt shot would be their demise