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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectagreed... especially since Klay's still avg at putting the ball on the floor
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2529129&mesg_id=2529158
2529158, agreed... especially since Klay's still avg at putting the ball on the floor
Posted by Amritsar, Sun Apr-03-16 04:05 PM
during and immediately after the Olympics it started to look like he had improved in that area. He was actively making it a point to attack the basket. His FTA went up that season too...Looked like he was on his way to becoming a well rounded, dual-threat shooting guard

Now it seems he's back to primarily relying on the jumper. Which can still be deadly at times when he heats up. But against a defender like Jordan? nahhhh...

>If Jordan could son Drexler, imagine what he'd to do Klay.
>I think people are selling Draymond short up and down this
>thread and making Rodman out to be a little better than he
>was, especially at that stage in his career.

Yeah its not as if there's a huge size difference between Rodman and Dray. Or that Rodman was any threat with his back to the basket\.. The only time Dray seems to struggle in those areas is against way bigger PFs