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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI heard that argument this morning
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2529129&mesg_id=2529141
2529141, I heard that argument this morning
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Apr-03-16 01:36 PM
From a Warriors fan who was like if they played by today's rules Pippen and Harper would be in foul trouble very night and blah blah blah. Obviously both teams would adjust either way. I think it would be a great series. No one would get swept under any circumstances. I don't get why these old timers can't deal with the fact that this Dubs team is special and, to be honest, so are the Spurs this year. Pippen talking this bullshit is a worse look than the '72 Dolphins popping bottles when the Vikings/Broncos/Chiefs/Patriots/whoever loses. At least that I can understand. They want to protect what they have and it's an excuse to get the band back together for football and booze. Pippen is just being a dick. Nothing new for him.