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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI'm always early on these things - but still a few years at least
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2518970&mesg_id=2519108
2519108, I'm always early on these things - but still a few years at least
Posted by Walleye, Thu Feb-18-16 04:02 PM
They could be a .500 team in 2017 if their top-end prospects hit the ground running.

The thing to keep in mind (particularly if you're a Mets fan) is the depth of Philadelphia's failure to prepare for the end of their competitive window. The cupboard was, except for JP Crawford, kind of embarrassingly bare. So the feat here is more that half of their BPro top-10 was acquired in the past ten months and less that the system is actually *good* in any meaningful sense.

Crawford should be a real star. If they get lucky and Williams and Alfaro hit like they're supposed to *and* stay up the middle (so, doubly lucky) that's the core of a playoff contender in 3-4 years maybe. But the frontline starting isn't really there. More depth, unless Appel suddenly remembers he was supposed to be an ace.