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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectAren't you the guy who doesn't watch games?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2514629&mesg_id=2514854
2514854, Aren't you the guy who doesn't watch games?
Posted by Wonderl33t, Mon Feb-01-16 08:30 PM
FOH. I endured several seasons of Hornets basketball with Byron as coach, and his player rotations made me want to pull my hair out. He can win with a talented squad, but if it's a building team, it's going to look terrible with him. And when I posted about it, several Nets fans on here replied saying that they endured the same damn thing with him as their coach. Stats don't tell the story. Witnessing the rise and spectacular fall of Byron's teams, followed by him being ran out of town with pitchforks, tells the story. Putting youngsters in a mysterious doghouse. Playing aging journeymen rather than developing the young talent. It's been going on for years with Byron. Box scores can't refute that.