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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectRE: Cam Newton is the Beyonce of sports
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2512927&mesg_id=2514399
2514399, RE: Cam Newton is the Beyonce of sports
Posted by murph71, Sat Jan-30-16 05:50 PM
>Also, I'm gonna need some of yall to explain why it's okay to
>hate McNabb or downplay Moon tho, cause that shit happen on
>OKS and no one cares.
>If this post was about Russell, is it this many folks
>strapping on their capes?

I can't speak for others....But when McNabb was playing, I rooted for him if my Bears were not in the playoffs....

Same with Moon....And even Russell...

I support black QB's....

Now the difference is this....If said black QB is FUCKING UP ON THE FIELD he will get clowned like any other QB...He doesn't get a pass just because he's black...

So let's be clear here....Cam will most likely be named MVP of the league...He is in the Super Bowl...He has played at a high level all season....And his team is the overwhelming favorite in the Super Bowl, something unfortunately neither McNabb or Moon has enjoyed...

If u can't get behind THAT dude because some of the questionable reasons u have been giving then I don't know what to tell u...