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Topic subjectRE: It may be all contrived, but it's difficult to build a brand in the NFL
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2512927&mesg_id=2513028
2513028, RE: It may be all contrived, but it's difficult to build a brand in the NFL
Posted by COOLEHMAGAZINE, Mon Jan-25-16 12:54 PM
>I also cringe at how forced the
>dab/superman/give-a-ball-to-the-kids thing is, but he's doing
>that crap after scoring or doing something remarkable, and
>it's all to pull together some sort of brand and celebrity
>that would be damn impossible otherwise: black QB in fucking
>Charlotte with multiple national TV ads? Dude sells yogurt.
>YOGURT. Let him do what he's doing.

Same thing as Beyonce, it's not hurting anyone, and built a great brand and everyone is happy and loves it.

But I'm not a fan. And that brand of yogurt sucks. If he was selling Siggis we mgiht could reach a rapprochement.

All that said, if you have any sort of thing against him or
>the Panthers in general, this matchup is your dream coming up.
>Cam vs a decent to great pass rush doesn't usually turn out