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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectBalwinder, just shut the fuxk up already
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2510289&mesg_id=2510660
2510660, Balwinder, just shut the fuxk up already
Posted by guru0509, Sun Jan-17-16 07:08 PM
Funny in a corny way. Like your entire okp presence. You look like a coked up Dhalsim with a wandering eye. Where does your confidence come from lol?

> ESL learners Are usually a little slow on humor stuff

>It's cool. Turn back to Zee tv and shaadi.com. That's more
>your speed little guy

Corny. Yes, English is my 2nd language. Out of 4.

You just mad I can watch TV without having to sit 2 inches from it. And it's more like espn and al Jazeera (that's a news station fyi)

>And you know we still have the best record in the league,

Lol who gives a shit fuck about regular season accolades, idiot. One title in 40 years. Whoopty damn do. Win two in a row and I'll be impressed.

>This is so confusing...i see why you and filf make a good team

I bet alot of things confuse you. A LOT.

>Lol at you questioning my athletic ability tho. I could see
>why a cheerleader dude like you would be threatened by it tho.
>I understand bro

Not questioning it. I'm saying you have none. Nada. Zero. Zilch. All your high school accolades you love mentioning = duck tales.