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Topic subjectlet me put it like this, outside of the article.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2443202&mesg_id=2443651
2443651, let me put it like this, outside of the article.
Posted by Mr. ManC, Sat May-09-15 08:14 AM
Ray and Sam are similar talents. Similar does not even "same", however they were more alike than they were different.

the narrative created around why Sam isn't in the NFL has never been about his on field production, because he didn't have any in the NFL outside of the preseason(where he actually did well, considering he was going against 2nd and 3rd string offensive line personnel.)

Ray is a dynamite prospect, and a clear top pass rusher in the draft. No one disputes that. Faster measureables than Sam, clearly. However, the narrative constructed around Sam has been as if to say that he so way slower, shorter, and less dynamic than Ray, or than any worthy prospect for that matter.

There are a slew of receivers that come out every year, and they all are trying to hit 4.4 or better at the combine to land that first round grade. Plenty of them only hit in the 4.5s. And some of those, tho productive, just can get that first round grade. But them registering a 4.5 instead of a 4.4 doesn't equal going from the first round and dropping to the 7th. Sam was a better prospect than a 7th rounder. His measureables aren't that far off from Ray. Ray is used to show that compared to his first round grade, Sam should not have slipped to the 7th round, AND virtually be out the league. Fowler just tore his ACL, and the Jags need pass rushing. Let's see if they give Sam a call.