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Topic subjectRE: If I'm a cavs fan I'm not too worried
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2443473&mesg_id=2443640
2443640, RE: If I'm a cavs fan I'm not too worried
Posted by murph71, Sat May-09-15 06:29 AM
>Lebron and kyrie were pretty terrible and it took a miracle
>heave to beat them. Hopefully it's not a significant injury
>for kyrie and just a bad game. Hope Paul doesn't miss any
>further time either. Too many damn injuries.

That wasn't a half court shot. It was indeed a wild play but Rose had the confidence to make that 3 pointer. Crazy shots like that are par for the course in the NBA....

>For all of the articles I've read and commentators talking
>about Lebron being a basketball Einstein, he makes a lot of
>pretty terrible decisions. Driving into the paint and jumping
>with no idea what to with the ball? And going one on one is
>fine, but holding the ball and jab stepping for five seconds
>before hand is not. Jimmy is too good of a defender to do
>that. Can't be bailing him out with 20 footers. When he goes
>bully ball, good things happen for Cleveland. Recency bias
>maybe, but I don't remember brons handle being so jacked up in
>the past. It's not just butler, it's been terrible all year.

No...it's Butler....Give dude some credit. He's playing Bron very physical. Nobody can shut James down. But Jimmy is doing his best and the results are there for all to see...

>Rose was clearly more aggressive. Still not terribly
>efficient. Pick and rolls getting the switch onto kyrie seemed
>to be the difference. Wonder if Cleveland should let kyrie
>play him straight up and if rose wants to go one on one they'd
>have the defense set a bit versus having rose coming at him
>off the switch with a head of steam. If they go pnr, go under
>and if he makes that lawn jart jumper, live with it.

Fuck efficiency....Rose was a beast out there on both ends of the floor...

>Gibson was great on d at the rim on all those Irving attempts
>in the paint. Those were much easier shots when gasol was the
>last line of defense.
>Looks like it's going seven.

Probably the most on point thing u said in this entire post...