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Topic subjectwas telling a co-worker if Warriors make finals
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2443631, was telling a co-worker if Warriors make finals
Posted by High Society, Sat May-09-15 01:24 AM
then I want to see Lebron playing against them.

But, when Derrick Rose hit that shot?
I smiled. I think the whole basketball watching world smiled.
Sure, Cavs fan were probably mad it happened, calling it luck,

"...we got LEBRON BACK! He just went to the finals 4 years
in a row w/ Miami. And you're telling me that injury plagued,
hasn't been healthy since Lebron was shutting him down in the playoffs and he won an MVP, Derrick Rose, is making fadeaway buzzer beating 3's in the playoffs against US?...with LEBRON!..."

but when they were driving home, watching the 2nd game, looking at the Vine 50x in a row on twitter, THEY SMILED.

D. Rose has been through a lot, and he's just kept pushing. Working. Believing - in his team, in his city, in himself.

Rose made that shot and I immediately said I'm now pulling for
the Bulls no matter what. Even if I would want to see Lebron
and Kyrie more vs the Dubs if the Dubs make it.

The Pelicans are done, I'm just rooting for good ball at this point.
I'm a fan of players though and I'm a fan of Derrick Rose.
Hope he stays healthy and continues to play well.
He deserves a second chance to at least get close to being the player
we thought he had the talent to become.
He may only ever get to 90% of where he was athletically,
but he can still be an MVP caliber basketball player.

And like he said tonight, ah fuck it... I'll let him tell you himself...
