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Topic subjectanyone that says JJ Redick isn't a good SG
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2443575&mesg_id=2443630
2443630, anyone that says JJ Redick isn't a good SG
Posted by High Society, Sat May-09-15 01:00 AM
hasn't watched him play since before his last year in ORLANDO.
He's been good since then.
Has worked hard on his game every summer since entering the L.
I had serious doubts, he was a Reggie Miller run around screens
curl, catch, and launch guy at Duke.
By last year in Orlando could curl, catch, and take a dribble or two.
Could pump fake, put it on the floor and get to the rack.

And smart NBA guys, guys that don't have all the talent in the world,
but manage to stay in the league and have a successful career
are those that learn quickly that if you can play D - you can stick.
(Look at Tony Allen - he CHANGES games)

Redick plays good D. He's been giving certain 2 guards trouble
now for years.

Redick's a damn good 2 guard.