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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectthe point of the article isn't so say who is a better prospect.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2443202&mesg_id=2443373
2443373, the point of the article isn't so say who is a better prospect.
Posted by Mr. ManC, Fri May-08-15 11:56 AM
I think most would agree that Ray is CLEARLY the better prospect.

However, though the better prospect, he isn't dominating the difference to the extent to where he is a first round pick and therefore Sam doesn't even belong in the league.

the article is about how it is MORE telling that Sam's "off the field issue" is harder to deal with than Ray's. They can handle weed, but can't handle homosexuality.

the comparison is less about who is better as much as it is about how is Sam not even on a roster right now? What stat is there to support that?