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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectRE: dogg my whole point was mozzy cant see Pau, period
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2442011&mesg_id=2442275
2442275, RE: dogg my whole point was mozzy cant see Pau, period
Posted by murph71, Tue May-05-15 10:29 AM

Yeah...But this ain't NBA Live. That was MY point...

Pau has issues with physical post play historically...Mozzy is physical and plays very good D in the post. So Pau did the smart thing: He took him outside...

The issue is this: that jumper is not going to be wet the entire series. Pau is going to have to go inside on the Russian....How Pau does in that regard will have a lot to do with how far the Bulls go in this series...

U can't make sweeping statements about players being career duds without factoring in WHERE THEY PLAYED AND WHO THEY PLAYED WITH...lol