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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectRE: how am i hating? i just don't think much of dunny at age 34.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2442011&mesg_id=2442270
2442270, RE: how am i hating? i just don't think much of dunny at age 34.
Posted by murph71, Tue May-05-15 10:06 AM

But u r saying all this without understanding what Dunny gives the Bulls....

We have never depended on Dunny to be on some high double figure role player shit. He stretches the floor. He gives Rose and Butler the space to slash and go to the lane....And if he gives us around 13 points and a 2 to 3 3 pointers (which he has done for about 6-7 games now during these playoffs) that's all that matters....

34 year old Dunny can still make a wide open jumper....