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Topic subjectThis Cavs team reminds me of the 1996 orlando magic
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2442011&mesg_id=2442241
2442241, This Cavs team reminds me of the 1996 orlando magic
Posted by auragin_boi, Tue May-05-15 08:30 AM
And the strategy should be kinda the same. Try to slow Bron/Kyrie as much as possible but expect they are gonna get off. But contain all of the other players to whatever extent possible so that none of them make a significant difference. Shump almost won them the game last night. If we keep him at 12-14 points this is a double digit blowout.

I'll give Bron and Kyrie 30 as long as no one else gets more than 12. We have about 7 guys who can get us 20 (Jimmy, Rose, Pau, Niko, Brooks, and Dunny/Snell if hot) if needed so we don't have to depend on significant scoring from just 1-2 guys.

Even last night, we're up 6 late in the 4th, Rose goes iso, misses, Cavs TO, Rose goes iso again, misses, Cavs score, Jimmy says, "I got this." Gets a bucket...6pt lead with seconds left. Game over.

^^^I loved that he took the onus off Rose to close.

Allstar Jimmy Butler.