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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectI think this goes perfectly right here:
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2442011&mesg_id=2442237
2442237, I think this goes perfectly right here:
Posted by auragin_boi, Tue May-05-15 08:17 AM
When asked last week if this is a championship team, even with the recent rash of injuries, Butler told USA TODAY Sports, "Hell yeah, it's a championship team. We're going to win that (expletive).”

^^^Jimmy Buckets in November

And we gonna EARN it. That's all this team has been about. LMAO at "this our championship".

We wanna beat the Cavs and if it's the Wiz in the ECF there's LOTS of incentive to beat them as they knocked us out the playoffs last year and talked sh*t while doing it.

1-1 vs G-State (beat them at home too...rose dotted Klay's eye for the game winner, but they DO have the MVP)
1-1 vs Houston (Can't beat clips without CP3...doomed)
1-1 vs Clippers (CP3's hammy is an issue)
1-1 vs Memphis (Conley broken face)

^^^Not afraid of any of the remaining west teams and not one of them has been to the finals either. Only 2 teams have a player with Finals experience even (Dwight, Turkeyglue) and one won't make it out the 2nd round and the other barely plays. lol

We have a VERY good shot. But one game at a time.

