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Topic subjectRE: classic "this our championship" response from bulls fans
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2442011&mesg_id=2442228
2442228, RE: classic "this our championship" response from bulls fans
Posted by murph71, Tue May-05-15 06:16 AM
U mean Bulls fans outside of OKP? Because I don't see any such posts here...

All I'm reading here is Bulls fans dapping up our team for a good win on the Cavs home turf, some giving props to Kyrie's sick ass play, others pointing out that Bron didn't deliver enough (if Rose didn't come through in certain spots last night y'all would be saying worse shit...lol); and some gleefully trying to start a Civil War between Ky Ky STANS and Bron STANS....That's about it...

But this is great Strawman posting though...Cute....