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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectthe football thing killed me the first year I was out here
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2442011&mesg_id=2442221
2442221, the football thing killed me the first year I was out here
Posted by Bombastic, Tue May-05-15 01:30 AM
went from two-time defending champion of my fantasy football league back home to dead-last with at least five times not setting my lineup because I woke up past 10 on Sunday morning after a Saturday night out.

Also it made tailgating stressful (because I had switched from Eagles season-tickets to hitting every Trojan game since I was able to see them for the first time in my life).

But I was also still in my mid-20's then.

Now I'm on the back end of my 30's.

I don't even play fantasy football anymore.

My Trojan live game attendance has dwindled to a couple games a season.

My body can't really sleep to 10 anymore no matter what I do the night before.

I never have to be out watching football past 10 ever.

On a Sunday where the Birds have an early game and I don't have a vested interest in later games, I can have my entire viewing obligations done by 1 PM and still have a productive or interesting afternoon.

It's the east-coast sports that aren't football that are/were a bit tougher due to my team's games starting while still actually at work.

But even that's been easier recently because I can just stream the shitty Sixer games while at work or watch later via online League Pass five-pack, Temple basketball the times when I remember they're playing I can listen to on the streaming internet radio, I won't even pretend to watch this old/bad Phillies team play baseball except to troll fans/mad-media members now that Chase Utley is worse than Ryan Howard yet getting a pass and the Flyers' franchise is officially dead to me until there owner is while I pretty much don't care about the sport otherwise.

So that pretty much leaves me with Western Conference NBA games in my primetime sweetspot or college football on Saturday and NFL on Sunday for my sports viewing outside special events (good both because I don't have to wait long after waking and that they're wrapped before it gets anywhere near late enough for me to be in bed).

The other way would probably feel weird to me now.

Plus the chances of shitty weather are far greater.

So this is pretty much the way I'll likely prefer riding it out from here.