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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectYour Obama example is perfect for my argument
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2416556&mesg_id=2417167
2417167, Your Obama example is perfect for my argument
Posted by thejerseytornado, Sun Feb-01-15 09:22 AM
That's not an alcohol problem, that's a presidential debate problem. His control of alcohol consumption would be far, far, far better than 99.9% of drinkers if that were the case.

Josh Gordon works in a field with uniquely strict rules. Assume, for a minute, that everything he said is true. Defining that amount of substance use, leaving aside the punishment, just look at the amount, as a problem requires you to either believe that the overwhelming majority of people have substance use issues or to believe that josh Gordon is experiencing uniquely high scrutiny.

Josh Gordon has a problem with following nfl and Baylor substance use policies. Those policies, however, are far more strict that any reasonable definition of substance abuse or addiction.

You can either take the context and not question it because jobs are privileges (sigh. Wonder how often the owners get tested for weed and alcohol?) or you can take the context and question it. I will always choose the second.
Y'all stupid...should've tanked for Lebron/Wiggins in 2014 -Rex LongFellow

Its 2014...there are computers in glasses and people stunt after hitting the ball far. Get over it. -Cenario

It's only funny till someone gets mad. Then it's hilariou