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Forum nameOkay Sports
Topic subjectno, im not. ive actually said almost nothing about "his worth"
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2416556&mesg_id=2416826
2416826, no, im not. ive actually said almost nothing about "his worth"
Posted by cgonz00cc, Fri Jan-30-15 06:44 PM
That seems to be a projection of yours that me saying that he exhibits strong clinical signs of substance abuse = me determining his "worth"

>big words that mean nothing. there's no clinical evidence of
>anything, there's just a history of suspensions.

That IS the clinical evidence. How do you think these determinations are made? Just wait until someone turns up with a ring of glue around his mouth? The continued use despite repeated professional and personal consequences of use, is something that psychology defines as evidence of substance abuse. Im sorry if you dont want that to be the case, but it is.

>no, we're talking about a guy who has failed tests that were
>so stringent, second-hand smoke counted.

Thats alleged and, medically speaking, highly unlikely

>tests that continued
>after his season was over when he thought they ended when his
>season was over.

So he went straight to use without bothering to determine if it was professionally acceptable? That doeant seem like problem behavior to you?

> official consequences aren't good definitions of an addiction
>problem because official consequences are distributed
>unequally. Were I in a different job, i'd have faced multiple
>consequences. am i less addicted simply because i'm in a
>career that doesn't drug test?

Id guess that were you in a different job, your behavior would have been different.

>then those signs are, unsurprisingly (and htis is a larger
>problem with psychological definitions of disorders), easily
>manipulable by social rules. For example, "anxiety" is much
>more common in states with medical marijuana. are people just
>more anxious in california than pennsylvania? i doubt it.

Not really.

>shocking that you assume the worst about someone you don't
>know. well, shocking's not the word. sad. unempathetic.
>judgmental. those are better words.

Im not assuming the worst about anybody. Im making fun of the idea that he doesnt have a problem because he said he doesnt. And here it sounds like you are the one associating substamce abuse with being a bad person, not me. Ive actually expressed sympathy elsewhere in this post already, along with hopes that he is able to live a productive life. If you think ive said otherwise its because you projected it onto me.

>and if the mistake was, as he describes, him thinking the
>season was over after his last game and not the "league year"
>(march something, i think), is that a sign of addiction? fuck
>and no.

He put in zero due diligence. THATS the sign.

>i mean, he drank and drove once that we know of. I've drunk
>and driven at least once that we know of. the only difference

and you didnt test positive for weed...at work...twice. nor did you fail to complete the consequences of that DWI when you started using again at an inappropriate time.