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Topic subjectwhat?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=8&topic_id=2416556&mesg_id=2416824
2416824, what?
Posted by cgonz00cc, Fri Jan-30-15 06:16 PM
>we are swimming in addicts, everywhere but colorado and
>washington. weird.

Why are you taking the multifaceted clinical evidence of a substance abuse problem and boiling it down to arrest = addiction?

We arent talking about one guy with one arrest as the only negative outcome of using.

>arrests = addiction? then theres a whole lot of addicted
>people functioning normally in life after their
>addiction-based DUI. nevermind the time my dad told me that
>was the drunkest he'd ever driven one time (not stopped by
>cops) or the time I drove drunk but didn't get pulled over
>after a bad breakup and some friends trying to cheer me up.
>one cop car away from addiction!

Thats a great story but i dont understand the relevance. Unless you had already faced multiple instances of official consequence for drinking, your anecdote is not relevant to the situation at hand.

and the only reason i haven't
>been busted for weed is because my job doesn't test for weed.

Right, but if it did, and you were caught more than once, that is a clinical sign of substance abuse. This isnt my fucking opinion lol. CLINICAL SIGNS.

>gordon might have a substance problem. but what he describes
>as having happened isn't a substance problem.

Shocking that someone would deny having a problem. And ive definitely never heard of someone with a substance abuse problem lying about their use. Never ever.

>if second hand
>smoke can cause a positive test, that's not addiction.

Thats a big if lol

>if he
>had two drinks on a plane trip, that's not addiction. it was
>against the rules, but it's not an addiction.

In and of itself, of course not. But when he is bound to follow probationary rules at his job because of earlier discipline related to drinking, thats a positive sign. And again, that is NOT my opinion. That is a clinical diagnostic.

>and that matters because we judge addicts differently. by
>calling him an addict, you don't bother to question why the
>fuck the NFL gets to say someone can't have a drop of alcohol
>at all.
>by calling him an addict, you don't bother to question
>why the NFL tests for weed.

This dude's continued using is bringing his professional life down around him. He isnt you drinking and driving one night after a bad breakup. I mean...cmon.

EDIT: did you even read the post you were replying to? Because your whole post seems to be aimed directly at the subject line.